Who on earth doesn’t appreciate the look of fresh, 4 board fence? Possibly the blind, but that’s about all.

New Picture Old Moon
“Hey, can you charge this old G16 camera battery?” That’s how it all started. The camera I’ve not set hand…

Just Do It!
No, don’t run off and buy a pair of high dollar running shoes (because you need boots anyway)…. JUST PLANT…

The Pullet Egg
Now that my Ameraucana pullets are laying, I have a glut of little blue eggs. Convincing someone who isn’t familiar…

Why Farmography?
It’s easy… Why Not? I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures of everything that I encounter and have pretty much driven everyone…

Farmscapes can be beautiful any time of year. Tilled hills for potatoes or rolling field crops there’s no limits to…

Farm Cats
One of the hardest working farm “employees”, is the barn cat. Sometimes they’re rough and ragged and sometimes they’re as…

Old barns sadly are becoming a thing of the past. They dotted the landscape for centuries and are being replaced…